Providing Support

The University’s Annual Fund is the most popular vehicle through which alumni, parents and friends support the institution. Annual Fund gifts provide much needed budget relief and support large and important items such as:

  • Scholarships
  • The Student Emergency Fund
  • Academic support centers
  • Libraries and Special Collections
  • Campus beautification

Donors to the Annual Fund may opt to make unrestricted gifts to the Fund or may designate their gift to a specific area.

For more information about the Annual Fund, please contact Anne Washburne, director, annual fund at 207-221-4914 or

Every gift, large or small, makes a difference. Even five or ten dollars helps. Or, you can make a small gift every month to make giving a bit easier.

Help us make sure today's students have access to all the same opportunities that you had at UNE. Please make a gift — in any amount — to the Annual Fund today.

Make a gift